About Us

Who we are:

We are made up of organizations from coast to coast in Australia, Canada and the U.S. that support the Salvadoran people as they demand sovereignty, the right to water, healthy communities and a clean environment.

What we do:

We work in coordination with the National Roundtable against Metallic Mining in El Salvador and communities directly affected by mining projects.

Relationship with La Mesa:

Traditionally the relationship between the Allies and La Mesa has been characterised by collaboration and coordination of strategies to echo the demands of La Mesa internationally.

Structure of the allies:

Each of the organizations that make up the allies has a history of solidarity work with El Salvador. Based on their mandates they follow closely the socio/political development of the country. Since 2007 there has been an interest from these organizations to coordinate efforts related to the issue of mining to achieve a more efficient level of advocacy in the US and Canada, in order to pressure on Australian, Canadian and U.S corporations that operate in El Salvador and to denounce unjust commercial trade agreements that impact the democratic rights of Salvadoran citizens.

In that sense there is no formal structure to the coalition of allies but a mechanism for dialogue and coordination to follow up on joint actions and campaigns in Australia and North America that support efforts of La Mesa in El Salvador.

Reference group:

The reference group is the group of organizations that meet on a regular basis and are actively seeking to coordinate actions and follow up with La Mesa’s efforts.

How do we do our work:

The main focus of the allies can be divided into three different areas of work, public education, research and advocacy?

1. Public education

  • We conduct public awareness campaigns in Australia, Canada and the US by conducting public presentations, public information tours with members of La Mesa, publishing articles in newsprint and electronic media, monitoring and responding to significant events related to mining in El Salvador.
  • Keep our networks and contacts informed about relevant events related to mining in El Salvador
  • We promote solidarity building relationships between organizations in the Australia, Canada and the US and organizations of La Mesa in El Salvador.

2. Research

  • We promote research related to the impact of mining, free trade agreements and investment treaties in El Salvador

3. Advocacy

  • We support lobbying campaigns of La Mesa in El Salvador, the US, Canada and Australia
  • We respond internationally to threats of violence and human rights violations related to mining in El Salvador.
  • Develop pressure campaigns against corporations involved in human rights violations in El Salvador
  • Develop campaigns against financial structures that negatively affect the public interest of the people of El Salvador


Organizations that support sovereignty and community rights in El Salvador:

In the U.S.

The Institute for Policy Studies

The Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)

Friends of the Earth

Oxfam America

U.S.-El Salvador Sister Cities

The Center for International Environmental Law

The SHARE Foundation

The Sierra Club

Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns

The Democracy Center

Voices on the Border

Jobs with Justice

The Washington Office on Latin America

Washington Ethical Society Global Connections Committee

The Midwest Coalition Against Lethal Mining

National Lawyers Guild

Miners and the Environment

In Canada

Mining Watch Canada

Council of Canadians

Canadians against Mining in El Salvador 

The United Church of Canada


Latin American and Caribbean Solidarity Network





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